I started to write books in July 2016 and have big plans to publish at least one book a year. I’m going to write about object-oriented programming (Elegant Objects series), project management, philosophy of software engineering (Code Ahead series), blogging, lifestyle, and philosophy.
If you already purchased and read my books, please review them on Amazon and/or GoodReads. Those reviews really make a difference and new readers are paying attention to them. You will help me a lot if you post them. Please, make them honest and as detailed as you can.
There are no digital books published, only paper versions, here is why. However, if you really want to have a PDF version and you have a good reason for it (for example, you are blind), you may email me a proof of purchase of the book, and I will send you the PDF version (rendered with your name inside, to make sure you don’t share it with others).

Elegant Objects (Volume 1) is my first book. It is about object-oriented programming, from an idealistic and, maybe, a bit futuristic point of view. There are 23 independent recommendations for a practical OOP designer on how to make code cleaner, classes more solid and architecture more visible.
Published: 22 Feb 2016.

256 Bloghacks is a book about blogging, disclosing all techniques, secrets and tactics I’m using at this blog. It contains many small and big recommendations, which I would be glad to hear when I started blogging. Unfortunately, I didn’t have that book back then. You have a chance to learn everything in just one go.
Published: 6 Nov 2016.

The 2nd Volume of Elegant Objects covers more object-oriented patterns and anti-patterns, including MVC, ORM, annotations, printers, validators, inheritance and subtyping, dependency injection, reflection, and others.
Published: 18 Apr 2017.

Code Ahead is a novel about software engineering. In this book I propose a number of best practices for organizing software development process. What is interesting is that it is a semi-biographical fiction book, with characters, plot, jokes, dialogs, etc.
Published: 6 July 2018.

It is a book for junior programmers or even for someone who hasn’t seen a computer yet. It starts from the explanation of basic things and gets into details about object-oriented programming, getting you ready to become a professional developer, eventually. You may consider it a prequel to Elegant Objects.
Published: 22 June 2020.

It is a book about automated testing. It summarizes everything I have to say about unit testing, integration testing, and code quality. It is essentially a summary of my practical experience from the last few decades of programming and writing tests. The book may be interesting to hands-on programmers—it can help you make your tests more helpful—regardless of your programming language.
To be published: 22 April 2025.

The 3rd Volume of Elegant Objects will contain practical object-oriented design patterns, just like those GoF book suggested. The book will not criticize bad practices, like previous two volumes did, but will suggest what to do instead.
To be published: in 2022 2024.
To be continued…
How to Get a Discount
All books have the same price of $40.96 (plus shipment from Amazon). You have a few options if you want to get them cheaper than that:
Attend a conference where I’m speaking. In most cases I have a few books with me. If I don’t, you just email me later and attach a photo of your conference badge. The price in that case will be $20.00 plus shipment, which in most cases is $7.00. This discount is effective only during 14 days after the conference.
You can buy a book for its full price on Amazon and then write a blog post and an Amazon review (both honest, not necessarily positive). I will send you back $32.00 (via PayPal or check). Thus, the final cost of the book will be somewhere around $12.00.
If you’re a student, find seven other friends and you will get a student package of 8 books for $64.00 plus shipment. Thus, you will get each book for $8.00. I will need you to confirm that all of you guys really are students though.
Pay attention that all books are sold at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de, Amazon.jp, Amazon.in, and Amazon.com.br. Choose the one that is the closest to you distance wise. Keep in mind that I sell only printed books, no digital ones.