This is the full list of my paintings, which are for sale. You can buy them, paying via PayPal (you will also have to pay for shipment, via FedEx). What’s important is that every dollar you pay will be turned into prize money in my annual Software Quality Award. Thus, you will get a piece of art and will help the software industry to become better. Email me if interested.
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In order of creation:

June 2019; 50 x 50 cm; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia.

May 2019; 50 x 50 cm; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia.

April 2019; 50 x 50 cm; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia.

February 2019; 50 x 50 cm; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia.

December 2018; 50 x 50 cm; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia.

Gray Freedom
January 2018; 20 x 20 x 0.5 in; Acrylic on canvas; Moscow, Russia. “We never know what we see when we see. But we always know what we don’t see when we don’t see. What does freedom mean to you?”

November 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “Small and big losses seem to be the essence of anyone’s life; we can learn to enjoy them or we can resent the even fact of losing; it seems that Nature itself invented this drama.”

October 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “I’m trying to understand the mystery of simplicity; obviously, the most powerful images are the most simple and even primitive; what do these three simple colors mean for you?”

Not in love
October 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “When he is not in love, she doesn’t know what to do with him; she doesn’t understand him; she doesn’t feel him; she doesn’t know what to expect; she loves him more.”

In love
October 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “When she is in love, it’s difficult to say what exactly is on her mind; it’s even more difficult to say what she expects and wants, and she doesn’t want; the trick is to figure out which color is the right one.”

September 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “There is so much dark in each of us, which we’re ashamed of; we’re trying to hide it, patching ourselves here and there; patches don’t help but make our sins even more visible and obvious.”

August 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “One of the strongest manipulations we all experience in the childhood is guilt; later, when we grow up, it stays with us and controls our decisions; can we really get rid of it and become free?”

August 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “We all expect ourselves to be better than we are; we expect our value and our uniqueness to be higher than they are; I had a discussion with a friend of mine about her inability to be happy because of her high expectations on herself; this painting demonstrates how easily we can imprison our growth in a jail of expectations.”

August 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “Making an important decision is always a tough task; each option has its pros and cons, each opportunity has its risks and threats; no matter how much reasoning we put into it, there are always doubts.”

A Woman on the Beach
August 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “There are so many things that make a woman attractive; it’s difficult to say which one catches you when you see her; why not lips, if it’s a beach, you’re alone, and she is beautiful?”

Seven and One
August 2017; 31.5 x 31.5 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “It was a long discussion about modern world fears; how they transform us, how they affect our lives, and what we can really do with them; the conclusion was that there is very little or nothing and it’s very sad.”

July 2017; 27.6 x 27.6 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “We had a long discussion about sexual objectification problem in the modern world and then one of the discussants agreed to be a model for me.”

Love Look
July 2017; 25.6 x 25.6 x 0.8 in; Acrylic on canvas; Odessa, Ukraine. “She betrayed me, after a year of love, leaving me with my feelings, my sadness, and my colors; now it’s time to start looking for a new one.”