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Is Two-Step Initialization a Solution or a Symptom?

  • Moscow, Russia
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Javajava OOPoop

At times, it might appear practical to execute additional initialization steps for an object after its constructor has completed. However, I’m of the belief that such requirements signal underlying design flaws, such as object mutability, base class fragility, violation of layering, and unfocused abstraction. A constructor should be good enough for all scenarios. If it’s not, refactor the object.

Нирвана (2008) by Igor Voloshin
Нирвана (2008) by Igor Voloshin

This is how it usually happens (I found it in Apache Kafka):

class Foo {
  private final List<X> items;
  private boolean isInitialized;
  Foo() {
    items = new LinkedList<>();
    // initialize other fields
  public void init() {
    try {
      // fill up "items" with data
    } finally {
      isInitialized = true;

It is expected that the object is used this way:

var x = new Foo();

There might be practical justifications for this two-stage construction, which, as per Microsoft, is touted as an “always safer” approach to object creation. Yet, I’m convinced that each of these reasons signifies a flawed design and should serve as a catalyst for refactoring.

Resource Leakage

Consider an auto-closeable Java class that opens a stream in its constructor and then reasonably expects it to be closed in the close() method:

class Book implements Closeable {
  private InputStream in;
  public Book() throws IOException {
    in = new FileInputStream(new File("a.tex"));
    // a bit later:
    throw new IOException("oops!");
  public void close() throws IOException {

However, if the runtime exception is raised in the constructor, the stream will not be closed and the resource will be leaked:

try (Book b = new Book()) {
  System.out.println("Hello, world!");

The close() will not be called by the try-with-resources statement, as the object will not be fully constructed and its initialization won’t be completed. However, even if the initialization isn’t finalized, the instance of FileInputStream will do part of its work: it will open the file. It will never close it though.

Two-steps initialization might be a solution:

class Book implements Closeable {
  private InputStream in;
  public Book() {
    // nothing
  public void init() throws IOException {
    in = new FileInputStream(new File("a.tex"));
    // a bit later:
    throw new IOException("oops!");
  public void close() throws IOException {

Now, the code can be used in the following manner, which is indeed safer because the stream will always be closed:

try (Book b = new Book()) {
  b.init(); // IOException raised here
  System.out.println("Hello, world!");

Even though this may be a good workaround, it is only a cover for the design flaw: mutability of the attribute. A better solution would be to get rid of mutability of the Book and remove the init() method.

Thus, the initialization of the stream should be done outside of the Book object and then provided to it as an argument of the constructor (pay attention to the final modifier of the in field):

class Book implements Closeable {
  private final InputStream in;
  public Book(InputStream in) {
    this.in = in;
  public void close() throws IOException {

Then, this is how we can use it:

try (InputStream i = new FileInputStream(new File("a.tex"))) {
  Book b = new Book(i);

Now, both the stream and the book will definitely be closed.

The root cause of the issue here stems from the mutability of the in attribute, which creates potential for resource leakage. If we were to agree upfront that every object must be immutable, this problem wouldn’t arise in the first place. We wouldn’t need a workaround like two-step initialization, because we wouldn’t encounter a class where an attribute might remain uninitialized. It seems that this example serves as yet another testament to the benefits of object immutability.

Fragile Base Class

Consider this parent class, with an immutable attribute title:

class Product {
  private final String title;
  Product(String t) {
    this.title = t;
  void print() {
    System.out.printf("Title: %s\n", this.title);

Now, let’s extend it (again, the author attribute is immutable):

class Book extends Product {
  private final String author;
  Book(String t, String a) {
    this.author = a;
  @Override void print() {
    System.out.printf("Author: %s\n", this.author);

What do you think will be printed after we do the following?

new Book("Object Thinking", "David West");

This is what:

Title: Object Thinking
Author: null

Why does the author print as null when we provided the "David West" string in the constructor? The reason is that super(), the constructor of the parent class, was invoked before this.author was initialized. The constructor of the Product class called its own virtual method print(), which the derived class Book had overridden. This issue can be more generically referred to as the “fragile base class” problem: the base class calls its own method, expecting it to operate as defined, but this method is unexpectedly replaced by a different implementation in the derived class, leading to unintended and incorrect behavior. Such potential for method replacement is what renders the base class fragile.

Using two-phase construction could address this issue by keeping attribute initialization in the constructor while relocating the “printing” functionality to a new init() method. However, this approach merely masks the underlying design flaw: the class’s inherent fragility.

A more comprehensive solution is twofold. Firstly, maintain constructors code-free, as suggested earlier. Secondly, opt for composition over inheritance, as has also been previously recommended.” This is how:

final class Product {
  private final String title;
  Product(String t) {
    this.title = t;
  void print() {
    System.out.printf("Title: %s\n", this.title);
final class Book {
  private final Product product;
  private final String author;
  Book(String t, String a) {
    this.product = new Product(t);
    this.author = a;
  void print() {
    System.out.printf("Author: %s\n", this.author);

Now, both classes are marked as final, making it technically impossible to override any of their methods. Instead of extending Product, the Book class encapsulates an instance of it. The print() method in the Book class oversees the printing functionality, delegating part of this responsibility to product.print(). Such a design becomes the only viable option if we mutually agree from the outset that all constructors should remain code-free and that implementation inheritance is off-limits.

Defaults and Configs

If you’ve coded in Java for a sufficient amount of time, you’ll undoubtedly find this design approach quite familiar:

class Database {
  private String host;
  private int port;
  private String login;
  private String password;
  Database() {
    this.host = "localhost";
    this.port = 5432;
    this.login = "pgsql";
    this.password = "";
  void init(Config cfg) {
    this.host = cfg.getHost();
    this.port = cfg.getPort();
    this.login = cfg.getLogin();
    this.password = cfg.getPassword();

Here, the constructor assigns default values to four object attributes, while the init() method subsequently updates them based on the values from the “configuration” DTO. This method of object initialization may seem more appealing than a series of setter calls, as it ensures all necessary attributes are assigned simultaneously, with none overlooked. Such assurance isn’t guaranteed with isolated setters. Furthermore, the DTO can be auto-populated from an XML or JSON file, which, when passed to the init() method, further streamlines the code:

var db = new Database(); // first initialization step
var cfg = loadFromXML("db-config.xml");
db.init(cfg); // second initialization step

However, this merely masks the underlying design flaw: the class is too expansive. It’s not about the lines of code, but rather the multitude of external elements it tries to abstract: the Internet address, the TCP port, the login string, the password, and likely more in the future. While the Config DTO currently suffices due to its modest size, it seems to pave the way for future expansion, tempting programmers to augment it as they see fit. As the size of Config increases, so will the number of attributes in Database. It’s probable that they will soon fall out of sync. Over time, it may become challenging to discern if constructing the Database object readies it for operation, or if a preliminary init() call is required. Further, will just invoking init() be sufficient to utilize the object fully?

If we had initially agreed that our objects should not encapsulate more than three attributes, as suggested earlier, we would have refactored this class. The init() method would be removed, and all necessary parameters would be passed through its primary or secondary constructors. Keeping all attributes immutable would be helpful too.

It seems that even the Builder design pattern would be a better solution than the init() method in this particular case.

Violation of Layering

Consider the following two Java classes, which depend on each other:

class Book {
  private final Order order;
  private final String language;
  Book(Order o) { 
    this.order = o; 
    this.language = o.language();
class Order {
  private final Book book;
  private final int total;
  Order(Book b) { 
    this.book = b; 
    this.total = book.price() + 10;

Clearly, instantiating either the Book or the Order is impossible, as each requires the other to be instantiated first. Two-phase construction accompanied by attributes mutability and setters may look like a solution:

class Book {
  private Order order;
  private String language;
  void setOrder(Order o) { this.order = o; }
  void init() {
    this.language = this.order.language();
class Order {
  private Book book;
  private int total;
  void setBook(Book b) { this.book = b; }
  void init() {
    this.total = book.price() + 10;

Now, it’s possible to instantiate them:

order = new Order();
book = new Book();

However, this design exhibits a significant flaw: both the order and book objects remain in an incomplete state until their respective init() methods are invoked. As the code takes shape, its original author understands the correct sequence of method calls: the constructor first, followed by the setter, and only then the init() method. However, in the future, as others modify the code, this temporal coupling between method calls could be easily missed. An inadvertent call to init() prior to the setter could result in runtime errors that are difficult to diagnose.

The underlying issue here stems from a violation of the layering principle present in the design of both Book and Order: they are mutually dependent. If I recall correctly, Martin Fowler postulated that “a layer can only access layers beneath it.” In the context of our book-and-order design, there’s no clear distinction of these layers: it’s indeterminable which is foundational to the other. The difficulties in instantiation are just manifestations of this issue, and two-step initialization serves more as a band-aid rather than an actual solution.

I’m at a loss for how to enhance this code directly. It’s likely that the entire architecture needs a thorough reassessment, with the introduction of more adequate abstractions in place of Book and Order.

It appears that two-step initialization doesn’t truly solve problems; rather, it merely masks them for a time. While you can have init() methods in your objects, they look like flags with “I failed to design this class properly!” written on them.

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