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Война за иммигранта

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Despite the technological wonders from Boston Dynamics and OpenAI, humans continue to kill each other. It seemed that after World War II and the establishment of the UN at its conclusion, we should have renounced aggressive instincts. It was expected that we would go the path of peace and constructive work. And we really did. But not everyone. Some were tasked with creating the Internet and artificial intelligence, while others continued to “fight for freedom and independence.” It must be acknowledged that the strategy worked: the iPhone, Blockchain, ChatGPT, and decades of stability of the US dollar are proof of this.

Earth, oil, coal, water, flora, fauna… and slaves – these are the resources for which we have fought for millennia until the scientific and technical revolution came, along with automation, robotization, and production optimization. The Suvarov principle “not by numbers, but by skill” is perfect for describing modern development strategies of large corporations and the countries that are subordinate to them. No matter how many slaves you take, you cannot build pyramids, aircraft carriers, or the Internet. You only need a few, but with skill, talent, and a strong desire for constructive and creative work.

Where to find such slaves? How to gather them in one office? How to make them work for the benefit of a peace-loving slave owner? How to make them spend several decades studying, earning diplomas, and defending dissertations?

Here is the solution. First, scare them with war, hunger, violence, Nazism, anti-Semitism, and communism, and then show them a place where none of this exists, and where they can work peacefully. They will pack their things, sell their homes, take their children, and move to California to teach at Stanford and work at Google.

For example, in 1933, Albert Einstein moved from Berlin (Germany) to Princeton (USA), along with 153 thousand people from 1933 to 1940. For example, in just 2022, 85 thousand Ukrainians moved to the USA under the United For Ukraine program.

They can be understood. Because for constructive work, especially scientific work, the stability of the environment and its predictability are very important. It is difficult to write scientific papers while expecting a pension of only $150. It is hardly possible to invent a quantum computer while waiting for the autumn draft. It is not easy to train an LLM under the sounds of an air raid.

Thus, by provoking instability, chaos, revolutions, and wars among neighbors on one hand, and creating all conditions on their territory for selective immigration and peaceful work on the other hand, it is possible to achieve global domination within a reasonable time frame. For this, you will need 1) a money-printing machine and 2) neighbors willing to fight for freedom and democracy. The printed money will be more pleasing to them than their own, as their own will lack stability (because of war!). And their elites will quickly grow fond of the fight for freedom and democracy, as in the short term and in the absence of education, it is much more efficient to earn on it than on constructive work.

In all or most modern wars, to some extent, the USA and Western European countries have participated. I think this was not only to ensure peace and democracy worldwide. And not only to gain control over oil or diamonds. Mainly, it was to attract talents from around the world to immigrate to the USA. As we can see, the plan works: starting from 1945, the annual number of immigrants moving to the USA doubles every ten years.

Translated by ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo/42 on 2024-04-20 at 17:38

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