Simple Java SSH Client

The following text is a partial translation of the original English article, performed by ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) and this Jekyll plugin:


jcabi-sshJSch 的一个便利包装,JSch 是一个著名的纯 Java 实现的 SSH2。

这是一个更复杂的场景,我通过 SSH 上传一个文件,然后读取它的 grepped 内容。




Shell.Safe decorates an instance of Shell and throws an exception if the exec exit code is not equal to zero. This may be very useful when you want to make sure that your command executed successfully, but don’t want to duplicate if/throw in many places of your code.

Shell ssh = new Shell.Safe(
  new SSH(
    "", 22,
    "yegor", "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----..."


Shell.Verbose decorates an instance of Shell and copies stdout and stderr to the slf4j logging facility (using jcabi-log). Of course, you can combine decorators, for example:

Shell ssh = new Shell.Verbose(
  new Shell.Safe(
    new SSH(
      "", 22,
      "yegor", "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----..."


Shell.Plain is a wrapper of Shell that introduces a new exec method with only one argument, a command to execute. It also doesn’t return an exit code, but stdout instead. This should be very convenient when you want to execute a simple command and just get its output (I’m combining it with Shell.Safe for safety):

String login = new Shell.Plain(new Shell.Safe(ssh)).exec("whoami");


你的Maven项目需要一个单一的依赖项jcabi-ssh.jar(在Maven Central获取其最新版本)。

该项目在 GitHub 上。如果您有任何问题,请提交一个问题(issue)。我会尽力帮助您。

Translated by ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo/42 on 2023-11-28 at 15:07

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