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Yegor Bugayenko
21 May 2014

MySQL Maven Plugin

I was using MySQL in a few Java web projects and found out there was no Maven plugin that would help me to test my DAOs against a real MySQL server. There are plenty of mechanisms to mock a database persistence layer both in memory and on disc. However, it is always good to make sure that your classes are tested against a database identical to the one you have in production environment.

I’ve created my own Maven plugin, jcabi-mysql-maven-plugin, that does exactly two things: starts a MySQL server on pre-integration-test phase and shuts it down on post-integration-test.

This is how you configure it in pom.xml (see also its full usage instructions):


There are two plugins configured above. Let’s take a look at what each does.

  1. build-helper-maven-plugin is reserving a temporary random TCP port, which will be used by MySQL server. We don’t want to start a server on its default 3306 port, because there could be another server already running there. Besides that, if we use a hard-coded TCP port, we won’t be able to run multiple builds in parallel. Maybe not a big deal when you’re developing locally, but in continuous integration environment this can be a problem. That’s why we’re reserving a TCP port first.

  2. maven-dependency-plugin is downloading a MySQL distribution in a zip archive (rather big file, over 300Mb for Linux), and unpacks it. This archive contains exactly the same files as you would use for a traditional MySQL installation. When the archive is unpacked, it is ready to start serving SQL requests as a normal MySQL server.

  3. jcabi-mysql-maven-plugin starts a server, binding it to a TCP port reserved randomly. The main responsibility of my Maven plugin is to make sure that MySQL server starts correctly on every platform (Mac OS, Linux, Windows) and stops when it’s not needed any more. All the rest is done by the MySQL distribution itself.

  4. maven-failsafe-plugin is running unit tests on integration-test phase. Its main difference from maven-surefire-plugin is that it doesn’t fail a build when some tests fail. Instead, it saves all failures into supplementary files in target directory and allows the build continue. Later, when we call its verify goal, it will fail a build if there were any errors during its integration-test goal execution.

To be precise, this is the order in which Maven will execute configured goals:


Run mvn clean install and see how it works. If it doesn’t work for some reason, don’t hesitate to report an issue to GitHub.

Now it’s time to create an integration test, which will connect to the temporary MySQL server, create a table there and insert some data into it. This is just an example to show that MySQL server is running and is capable of serving transactions (I’m using jcabi-jdbc):

public class FooITCase {
  private static final String PORT = System.getProperty("mysql.port");
  public void worksWithMysqlServer() {
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
    new JdbcSession(conn)
      .sql("CREATE TABLE foo (id INT PRIMARY KEY)")

If you’re using Hibernate, just create a file in src/test/resources directory. In that file you would do something like:


Maven will replace that ${mysql.port} with the number of reserved TCP port, during resources copying. This operation is called “resources filtering,” and you can read about it here.

That’s pretty much it. I’m using jcabi-mysql-maven-plugin in a few projects, and it helps me to stay confident that my code works with a real MySQL server. I’m also using the Liquibase Maven plugin in order to populate an empty server with tables required for the application. Nevertheless, that is a story for the next post.