hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager (Objective-C) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI Code coverage (with coveralls) - It seem like it's less than 10k LoC comments by Yegor: - there are 17.7K lines of Objective-C/Swift - some files are rather long: (2100 LoC) - there are setters and getters everywhere (probably due to the iOS nature, but still…) - I didn’t find any static analysis there (code formatting looks messy very often) - I didn’t understand what badge is doing there (it’s for Python projects, AFAIK) - coveralls badge doesn’t really work - I didn’t find the coverage report - maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t find any unit tests in the project (except for the Demo) artem-zinnatullin/qualitymatters (Android) + Github issue tracking Travis CI Circle CI - It seem like it's less than 10k LoC DTO usage (com.artemzin.qualitymatters.api.entities.Item) * ers In general - not enough code to say something certain - there are 3.8K lines of Java code: the project is too small for us pholser/junit-quickcheck (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs Code coverage (jacoco) - It seem like it's less than 10k LoC Heavy inheritance usage (com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.generator.Fields, *.Ctor ...) Lot's of custom annotation with lack of code :( - there are 18.7K lines of Java code - I found many utility classes in test/ directories + this project looks good, goes to the list of finalists codeborne/selenide (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI Checkstyle, Findbugs Code coverage (jacoco) - public static methods in abstract class (com.codeborne.selenide.Condition) mutability (com.codeborne.selenide.WebDriverRunner) mutable non private fields! (RequestSizeWatchdog) protected and package private fields/methods missuse - there are 11.1K lines of Java code and 19.6K of JavaScript - I don’t really see OOP here. it looks like a nice procedural code raphw/byte-buddy (Java) I saw this repo last year - nothing has changed :( " All was fine before I've found a class with 6000 lines, and it's not the only one :( Utility classes God classes" AdamsLair/duality (C#) exactly the same thing as with previous repo: Project files commited into repo Releases are not tracked Anemic model Getters and setters And crazy long classes (e.g. DualityEditorApp) thothbot/parallax (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI - No code quality control at all Utility classes (StreamUtils) Heavy usage on public static methods, get/set Long classes (> 1k lines, vmi/selenese-runner-java (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs Code coverage (cobertura) Mostly small compact classes - Tons of utility classes (jp.vmi.selenium.selenese.utils) Inheritance over composition (AbstractCommand hierarhy) *ers - JAXB with setters (not really OOP) - interfaces are labeled as I* (a very bad practice) - doesn’t look like OOP to me scd4j/gradle-plugins (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all Anemic model, get/set (TemplateEngineConfig) Inheritance over composition (TemplateEngine hierarhy) wseemann/FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever (Java) less than 10K LoC - there are just 800 lines of Java code bladecoder/bladecoder-adventure-engine (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI - No code quality control at all No test coverage control Many utility classes Committed commented code Nulls are everywhere (e.g. com.bladecoder.engine.actions.SceneActorRef) Inheritance over composition (WalkTween -> SpritePosTween) Flipkart/phantom (Java) + Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all No Github issue tracking (google groups ...) Inheritance over composition (SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, AbstractExecutorRepository hierarhy) Nothing special at all ... NullVoxPopuli/aeonvera (Ruby) + Travis CI, Gitlab-CI Test coverage (codeclimate) Code quality (rubocop) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - looks like a good project, but it’s Ruby on Rails, which is not OOP at all + it’s a finalist mangstadt/ez-vcard (Java) + Travis CI Test coverage (jacoco + codecov) Code quality (PMD, Findbugs) Github issue tracking Github release management - No checkstyle Enum is used for a singleton implementation (ezvcard.Massages) Null driven development (ezvcard.Massages) Utility classes (ezvcard.util) Inheritance over composition (SimpleProperty, ChainingParser hierarhy) Get/Set (e.g. StructuredName) axet/desktop (Java/Go) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all No test coverage control Inheritance over composition (DesktopPower, DesktopSysTray ...) Package private fields! (LinuxFolders ...) Tons of static Single char variables ... DakaraOnline/dakara-server (C++) + Travis CI, Appveyor SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - no static analysis: code formatting is messy - so many SWITCH statements: this is not really OOP - global variables and functions: not OOP at all - maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t find any classes/objects here - also, I didn’t find any unit tests ppareit/swiftp (Android) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all Public static methods (FsApp) Enum as a singleton implementation (MediaUpdater) Huge methods (FsPreferenceActivity.onCreate) Inheritance over composition (FtpCmd hierarhy ...) Mutable objects (LocalDataSocket) DSteve595/ (Android) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all No test coverage control Unformatted crappy code, less than 10k :( jaredsburrows/android-gradle-java-app-template (Android) Template project ! Only stub code Belphemur/SoundSwitch (C#) + Appveyor Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all No test coverage control Build procedure is a bat file :( Visual Studio metainfo is committed to repo Utils Looks like less than 10k inklabs/kommerce-core (PHP) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF + static analysis is there (PHPCS) + unit testing is there (phpunit) - I didn’t find code coverage analysis - just one GitHub release - main development is not done through pull request (commits go to master) - overall the project looks clean, but it’s not OOP: there’re DTOs, ORM, getters/setters, etc. sniffy/sniffy (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management Travis CI Code quality and test coverage control with (not embedded into the build procedure) - Utils Lots of public static methods (io.sniffy.socket.TcpConnections ...) Long methods (SnifferServlet.service()) Null driven development (SniffyRequestProcessor) RobinJ1995/DistroHopper (Android) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all No test coverage control No visible CI Null driven development, long methods, mutable state (AsyncLoadApps) Lots of commented code committed DSH105/EchoPet/tree/3.x (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all No test coverage control Utils Mutability is everywhere SimonKagstrom/kcov (C++) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - there is no static analysis (or I didn’t find it), but code looks clean ( + GitHub releases are in place + CI is in place + GitHub issues and pull requests are there + commit comments trace back to issues + the project looks interesting, definitely a finalist pedja1/SMC-Android (Android) + - No visible CI No Github issue tracking (maybe, due to low popularity) No Github release management No code quality control at all No test coverage control Mutability is everywhere (`final` word usage = 44) God classes (GameScreen ...) HeinrichReimer/material-intro (Android) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management to build a distribution (nice tool) Proguard to release apk - No code quality control at all No test coverage control Code is less than 10k skinny-framework/skinny-framework (Scala) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - I didn’t find static analysis - code coverage seems to be out of control + releases are in GitHub + there are many unit tests - I found some utility classes and -ER classes + it’s a finalist Omertron/api-themoviedb + Github release management !! Despite drawbacks decribed below the code looks rather clean - No visible CI No Github issue tracking (maybe, due to low popularity) No code quality control at all No test coverage control God class (com.omertron.themoviedbapi.TheMovieDbApi 1893 lines) Inheritance over composition (AbstractMethod hierarhy) gerc99/SawimNE (Android) + Travis CI Github issue tracking - No Github release management (maybe, due to low popularity) No code quality control at all No test coverage control Lots of ignored exceptions Lots of commented code committed Mutability is everywhere orfjackal/jumi (Java) + - No visible CI No Github issue tracking (TODO list commited to the root, as well as roadmap :) ) No code quality control at all No test coverage control Inheritance over inheritance (fi.jumi.api.drivers.Driver) without any sense Idea files committed into repo :/ Public static methods ( wbotelhos/raty (JS) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF (not sure JS applicable) - the project is a bit smaller than our threshold: 8.7K lines of JavaScript code - the majority of code is unit tests GautamGupta/Simple-Android-OCR (Java) Less than 10k of code tananaev/traccar (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs - Null driven development (org.traccar.BasePipelineFactory) Not thread-safe sigleton (org.traccar.GlobalTimer) *ers (ServerManager, *Handler ...) Utility classes (org.traccar.reports.ReportUtils, org.traccar.reports.Summary) Anemic model (org.traccar.reports.model.BaseReport) paypal/squbs (Scala) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - I found many -ER classes, getters, setters - I didn’t find static analysis + there are many tests, high code coverage + overall it looks interesting, definitely a finalist clun/ff4j (java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management PMD, Findbugs - No checkstyle Null driven development (org.ff4j.utils.json.PropertyJsonParser, org.ff4j.cache.InMemoryCacheManager) Mutabile objects (EventRepositoryCassandra) Abstarction over inheritance (AbstractEventRepository hierarhy) God interface (org.ff4j.core.FeatureStore) datavis-tech/reactive-model (JS) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF (not sure JS applicable) - there are just 800 lines of JavaScript code kwhat/jnativehook (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI Ant :/ No code quality control at all No test coverage control Huge code duplication (AbstractDispatchService) Abstarction over inheritance (AbstractDispatchService) Non thread-safe implementations (org.jnativehook.dispatcher.MouseWheelEventTask, *Task) javaslang/javaslang (Java) + Travis CI Test coverage with jacoco and codecov Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all God classes (javaslang.collection.CharSeq) In general, not so bad ... but no OOP, mostly functional stuff :) + indeed looks interesting, it’s a finalist lukeFalsina/Grab-n-Run (Android) + Github release management - No visible CI No Github issue tracking No code quality control at all No test coverage control Don't see the code - only tests :/ bxbxbai/ZhuanLan (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking - No Github release management No code quality control at all No test coverage control Commented code committed into repo (io.bxbxbai.zhuanlan.ZhuanlanApplication) Non thread-safe singleton (io.bxbxbai.zhuanlan.core.DataCenter) Non-final fields (io.bxbxbai.zhuanlan.core.ZhuanLanWebChromeClient) Inheritance over composition (SimpleCallback hierarhy) Utility classes (io.bxbxbai.zhuanlan.utils package) apache/wicket (Java) + Travis CI Github release management Test coverage control (jacoco) - No Github issue tracking No code quality control at all Null-driven development (org.apache.wicket.Session) Interfeces with "I" prefix Mutable core abstractions (org.apache.wicket.ComponentEvent) Null-driven development (org.apache.wicket.ComponentQueue) Utils (org.apache.wicket.model.util package) nikolamilosevic86/owasp-seraphimdroid (Android) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all No test coverage control PermissionGetter - what a name ... small but shitty God class (EducateFragment, GeoFencingFragment ...) Commened code committed (ArticleAdapter) uniVocity/univocity-parsers (Java) + Github issue tracking Github release management - No visible CI No code quality control at all No test coverage control Mutability is everywhere, even exceptions are mutable !!! Funny thing - there is a folder, where tests named by the name of Github issues :) ben-manes/caffeine (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management PMD, Findbugs, checkstyle Test coverage control (jacoco) Nice meaningful javadocs More/less good decomposition Nice granular, self-contained tests - Huge use of default methods (CacheLoader, Node ...) Utility (com.github.benmanes.caffeine.base.UnsafeAccess, com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Async) It could be less than 10k LoC (!) consider this repo + there are 45.9K lines of Java code + it’s interesting, it’s a finalist chrisvest/stormpot (Java) + Travis CI PMD, Findbugs, checkstyle Github issue tracking Github release management Test coverage control (jacoco) pitest for mutative tests - Not sure if it's > 10k LoC Inheritance over composition (ReallocatingAdaptor, AbstractPoll hierarhy) Null driven development (BAllocThread) Package private field access (QSlot) - there are 6.9K lines of Java code js-cookie/js-cookie (JS) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF (not sure JS applicable) - it’s too small, just 1.4K lines of JavaScript code coala/coala (Python) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF + interesting, it’s a finalist arzzen/altcoin-bitcoin-explorer (PHP) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - just 300 lines of PHP code allure-framework/allure-core (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management Test coverage control (cobertura) - No code quality control at all Heavy Util usage (AllureModelUtils, AllureNamingUtils ...) Inheritance over composition (ReportCommand hierarchy) Construction based init without finals (AllureGuiceModule) DI usage (Guice) kailash09dabhi/OmRecorder (Android) Initial commit was on Jul 31 < 1 year Cyan4973/zstd (facebook/zstd) (C) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF + CI is here + GitHub releases are here - I didn’t find coverage control - didn’t find static analysis - it’s C, not really OOP pmwmedia/tinylog (Java) + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management Findbugs, checkstyle Test coverage control (jacoco) flatten-maven-plugin usage - No PMD Test inheritance (AbstractCoreTest) It's all about static ... - exception swallowing, long classes (Tokenizer for example) - helpers, loggers, formatters, other -ERs yi-editor/yi (Haskell) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF I'm not an expert in Haskell at all, that's why I asked a friend of mine to help me. Here is what I got: - there is very small amount of tests - code complexity is very high, for example Core.hs - operators overloading is a messy feature, and it's used - in many places nesting is too deep From me: - GitHub releases are not documented reinterpretcat/utymap (C#, C++) the link to the repo is broken on the page ( + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all No test coverage control Utils (core/src/utils) Providers, Downloaders, Loaders, Services Lot's of mutable classes EventStore/EventStore (C#) the link to the repo is broken on the page + Travis CI Github issue tracking Github release management - No code quality control at all No test coverage control SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - static methods are there - classes are rather big (sometimes thousands of lines and dozens of methods) srdja/Collections-C (C) SORRY, PLEASE, CHECK IT BY YOURSELF - there are 9.5K lines of C code - it’s not really OOP - even though the code is rather clean I didn’t find static analysis - test code coverage is not under control - there are no GitHub releases