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Yegor Bugayenko
21 June 2014

CasperJS Tests in Maven Build

I’m a big fan of automated testing in general and integration testing in particular. I strongly believe that effort spent on writing tests are direct investments into quality and stability of the product under development.

CasperJS is a testing framework on top of PhantomJS, which is a headless browser. Using CasperJS, we can ensure that our application responds correctly to requests sent by a regular web browser.

This is a sample CasperJS test, which makes an HTTP request to a home page of a running WAR application and asserts that the response has 200 HTTP status code:

  'home page can be rendered',
  function (test) {
      casper.cli.get('home'), // URL of home page
      function () {
      function () {

I keep this test in the src/test/casperjs/home-page.js file. Let’s see how CasperJS can be executed automatically on every Maven build.

Here is the test scenario, implemented with a combination of Maven plugins:

  1. Install PhantomJS

  2. Install CasperJS

  3. Reserve a random TCP port

  4. Start Tomcat on that TCP port (with WAR inside)

  5. Run CasperJS tests and point them to the running Tomcat

  6. Shutdown Tomcat

I’m using a combination of plugins. Let’s go through the steps one by one.

BTW, I’m not showing plugin versions in the examples below, primarily because most of them are in active development. Check their versions at Maven Central (yes, all of them are available there).

1. Install PhantomJS

First of all, we have to download the PhantomJS executable. It is a platform-specific binary. Thanks to Kyle Lieber, we have an off-the-shelf Maven plugin: phantomjs-maven-plugin that understands what the current platform is and downloads the appropriate binary automatically, placing it into the target directory.


The exact name of the downloaded binary is stored in the ${phantomjs.binary} Maven property.

2. Install CasperJS

Unfortunately, there is no similar plugin for the CasperJS installation (at least I haven’t found any as of yet). That’s why I’m using plain old git (you should have it installed on your build machine).


3. Reserve TCP Port

I need to obtain a random TCP port where Tomcat will be started. The port has to be available on the build machine. I want to be able to run multiple Maven builds in parallel, so that’s why I get a random port on every build.

In other examples, you may see people using fixed port numbers, like 5555 or something similar. This is a very bad practice. Always reserve a new random port when you need it.


The plugin reserves a port and sets it value to the ${tomcat.port} Maven property.

4. Start Tomcat

Now, it’s time to start Tomcat with the WAR package inside. I’m using tomcat7-maven-plugin that starts a real Tomcat7 server and configures it to serve on the port reserved above.


Due to the option fork being set to true, Tomcat7 continues to run when the plugin execution finishes. That’s exactly what I need.

5. Run CasperJS

Now, it’s time to run CasperJS. Even though there are some plugins exist for this, I’m using plain old exec-maven-plugin, mostly because it is more configurable.


The environment variable PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE is the undocumented feature that makes this whole scenario possible. It configures the location of the PhantomJS executable, which was downloaded a few steps above.

6. Shutdown Tomcat

In the last step, I shut down the Tomcat server.


Real Example

If you want to see how this all works in action, take a look at It is a Java Web application hosted at CloudBees. Its source code is open and available in GitHub.

Its pom.xml contains exactly the same configurations explained above, but joined together.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask below.

PS. Also, check this: PhantomJS as an HTML Validator